So this is the jump off point of my writing career. A career that is in the vague and distant future at the moment. Nonetheless, everything I've read about becoming a writer screams "practice constantly!", "write something every day!". Basically, hock one onto your computer screen and hope it's legible. So that's what I'm doing now, winding up for the pitch...
Here is what I like to draw in when I think of that vague and distant future: I'm a freelance writer, I've published enough "quality" work that I can work remotely and contribute to a variety of interesting (to me) magazines, websites, magazine-websites...yes. So there I am, tapping away for a period of time each day while occasionally stopping to look out my huge window at a beautiful, mountainous view, framed by trees that make up the forest in which my rustic little home is nestled..
Now, how hard does it really have to be so hard to reach that point? I want to revel in the introverted character that is me and live a lifestyle appropriate to it. I still plan to be within biking distance to various indulgences-some sort of local cafe with an abundance of rich desserts and good coffee, a natural food store, a gym (to follow the desserts with). I just don't want to always have to be somewhere, to have a dress code, to compete to be the best..whatever.
In this vision of my future that I'm making here, I don't plan on spending money on anything that is unnecessary (except for the indulgences..). I am not a materialistic person by any means-a year after buying my first car, and brand new at that, I gave it to my brother. My lifestyle should be fairly simple, not too expensive. But does that mean I'd be able to support it, with the wages of a freelance writer?
Well for now, I'm pointing myself toward graduate school. I have it in my mind that if I'm able to say "I have a graduate degree in Journalism" that it will mean the powers that be (or, that is, the editors..) will desire whatever it is that I have to contribute and will pay me with gusto. That's how it works, right?
In the journalism books and online articles I've been pouring over lately, I've gotten the inkling that freelance writing is kind of the starting point for those who are building up their portfolio so that they can become editors. I don't want to claw my way up that high. I'm content to stay around the bottom, if I can. Not that freelancing is really the bottom, but rather, if one wants to make a stable income, they need to either become best pals with some great magazines to have a guaranteed in as a contributing writer or they integrate some other income sources into their career, like (gag) teaching or consulting.
I think there is hope, though! See, I'm writing, this is me right now working to better my future, each word.... ..every...single......l..e..t..t..e..r.....I'm practicing!! So you practice too, if you're on this track as well and together we will make ourselves better and better, one day after another.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Other Avenues that come to my mind, I can see you traveling the world as a news reporter/journalist.Or working for the TODAY show as a reporter.Alot of newspapers are going on-line...editor for the New york times...well, ya never know. I think you will be Awesome no matter which Avenue you decide to travel. I just hope it brings you back to the pacific northwest coast for a jaunt.See you on channell 5 news someday...for now my freind i so enjoy reading every l.e.t.t.e.r. you write!! UR WCM..Deb